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How to increase your conversion rate with behavioral economics

How to increase your conversion rate with behavioral economics

The importance of empathy in ecommerce

We all know this situation – in the offline world, annoying salespeople approach us even though we don't want them to. In the online world, we get annoying product offers for products we've already bought. This leads to a bad user experience and doesn't make us return to the shop ever again. But what actually makes a good salesperson?

Good salespeople recognize the wishes and needs of their customers and respond to them with empathy. In stationary trade, it was the body language of the visitors that gave salespeople clues: "The customer has entered the store and went straight to the shoe department, I should leave her alone" or "The customer lets his gaze wander through the room. He might not know where to go. I can offer him my help".

Online users give us similar hints. However, not through gestures and facial expressions, but through digital body language. Scrolling behavior, entry pages, and length of stay on certain pages reflect a user's path through the shop. Correctly interpreted, they help us to understand the intentions and needs of the users and to give them the right help.

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Brytes: The solution for empathic customer targeting

Our engine analyzes user behavior and groups your visitors by intention. Does the user want to leave the website? Is he currently comparing products with each other? Is he here for Window Shopping, or is he unsure what to find where? As soon as the user's intention is recognized, a small message appears in the shop with a suitable note. The recognition of intentions and the design of the message notifications are based on the principles of behavioral economics. They explain why people behave as they do and why they do not always behave rationally.

Reduction of the "Pain of Paying" and increase of the conversion rate

Have you ever heard of the pain of paying? We as humans are loss-averse beings and feel negative emotions when giving away our money. Even if we get something in return. In order to reduce the pain of paying, it is advisable to offer an option with which you can pay. Users do not have to give up any money at the moment of purchase and can postpone the pain for the time being. This increases the conversion rate and at the same time ensures that the endowment effect can do its thing. Once you hold a product in your hands, you don’t want to give it back (endowment effect).

Benefits of Brytes - Digital empathic personalization for Shopware 6

  • Targeted messaging for higher conversion rates

  • Situational customization aligning with user sentiments and intent

  • Effective, discreet nudges with design flexibility

  • Page exclusion for precise customer targeting

  • Convenient management via self-service portal

  • Detailed performance analysis featuring clear KPIs

  • Effective testing via control group comparisons

  • Transparent results, including conversion rate uplifts

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Easy installation and extensive reporting

Another advantage of the app is that you can complete the whole installation in a few minutes and test the nudges in preview mode in your shop. If you are happy, you activate them directly for your entire shop, and the optimization can begin.

If you have any questions, our detailed Academy area with FAQ, the glossary on the subject of digital nudging, and our video tutorials will provide quick help. And if something else is needed, the entire brytes team will gladly assist you personally.