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Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in May 2023

Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in May 2023

We are happy to announce the release of Shopware Along with enhanced performance, improved usability, and new conditions for the Rule Builder, we are introducing the innovative new AI Copilot exclusively for our commercial versions. Dive deeper into the details in the relevant sections and in our release video!

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Enhanced image slider: Rearrange images with ease using drag & drop

This improvement, which garnered significant support in the community voting, has now been brought to life. Here's the scoop: In Shopware's Shopping Experiences, you can create pages for your online store and incorporate image sliders to grab your customers' attention with dynamic visuals. And with this latest release, we've reworked the slider functionality, making it effortless for you to rearrange the sequence of images. Simply drag and drop the images to your desired position, and voila!

Curious to explore more about sliders and the CMS possibilities of the Shopping Experiences? Check out our comprehensive documentation for all the details.

Image slider drag n drop EN

Explore new conditions for the Shopware Rule Builder

The Rule Builder empowers you to automate your ecommerce processes. Define rules that are tailored to your business and specific use cases, whether it's for content management, marketing, shipping, or payment. Within the Rule Builder settings, you'll find a comprehensive collection of over 50 conditions, allowing you to define customized rules. And with this latest release, we've introduced several exciting new conditions.

With these new conditions, you can now verify if an order...

  • has a tracking code.

  • was manually created.

  • has a specific status, such as payment or shipping status.

  • has a value for a custom field.

Additionally, you can now examine with the new conditions if a shopping cart ...

  • reaches a specific threshold for shipping costs.

Furthermore, the new conditions enable you to check if a customer ...

  • has a specific default payment method.

  • has submitted a specific number of reviews.

Moreover, you now have the flexibility to select different units of measurement when creating rules. For instance, if you need to verify whether a product in the shopping cart exceeds a specific length for shipping, you can specify units of measurement such as miles, feet, metres or inches.

Rule builder measuring units

US English: Now offering US English as default language

Are you and your team primarily fluent in American English? We have great news for you! Shopware now provides full support for the "US English" language option. During installation, you can choose "US English" as the default language or easily adjust it later in the administration settings (under Settings > Shop). Experience Shopware in the language that suits you best!

US English Shopware installation wizard

Enhanced page performance for you and your customers

We've taken further steps to improve performance, benefiting key areas such as the shopping cart page and the administration. This means you and your customers can now enjoy faster loading times and a more seamless user experience. Here are the details:

Previously, when the shopping cart contained numerous products with applied discounts, it could lead to slowdowns. Many community members voted for this issue, thus we optimized the calculation process to reduce the strain on server resources.

Furthermore, in our recent release, we introduced lazy loading, ensuring that content such as images and videos is loaded only when necessary. And now, lazy loading is activated in the storefront by default.

In addition, we've made performance enhancements in the administration interface, particularly when dealing with a high volume of orders.

Enhancements for the administration

To facilitate your daily tasks in the Shopware administration, we've implemented several usability improvements:

  • In the product listing, you can now filter by the number of sales and current sales figures, allowing you to quickly access your top-selling products. We would like to thank Melvin Achterhuis from the community, whose GitHub contribution made this feature possible. 💙

  • Finding promotions is now faster. Simply enter the promotion code in the search field.

  • In the order overview, there’s now a hint if a comment has been added to an order (see screenshot).

Order with comment
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Watch the summary in the release video

Watch the release video to see the new features in the Shopware administration. Rachel informs you about the changes in this release.

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These changes in Shopware are especially relevant for developers:

  • Fixed icon cache in noscript tag

  • Improve administration logout with multiple tabs

  • Improved assets:install performance with external storage

  • Improved compatibility with Google Cloud storage adapter

  • Fixed sorting/filtering on createdAt and releaseDate with Elasticsearch/Opensearch

  • App Scripts now have access to current Shopware version

  • New webhook media.uploaded to react for new media file uploads

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This is about features that are not included in the Community Edition. Take a look at our overview to compare the different Shopware plans.

Shopware AI Copilot: Explore eight incredibly useful AI features

We are thrilled to introduce the Shopware AI Copilot for all commercial plans (Shopware Rise and higher). With the AI Copilot, you can leverage artificial intelligence at various areas in Shopware. It enables you to summarize product reviews, generate customized CSV exports, and create keywords and properties effortlessly. This versatile feature makes ecommerce a truly enjoyable experience. Embrace the power of the AI Copilot and take your business to new heights of efficiency!


These are the new AI features:

  1. AI Copilot | content for Shopping Experiences

  2. AI Copilot | export assistant

  3. AI Copilot | customer classification

  4. AI Copilot | image keyword assistant

  5. AI Copilot | product review summary

  6. AI Copilot | custom checkout message

  7. AI Copilot | product properties

  8. AI Copilot | translation for reviews

Learn more about the new features of the Shopware AI Copilot in this interview with the Shopware Product Owners.

Flow Builder | webhook actions, now available via Shopware Commercial

With Flow Builder | webhook actions, you can send data to API-based third-party systems. Please note that this feature is only usable with Shopware Evolve and Shopware Beyond. However, there's a recent update: The requirement of the Flow Builder Professional plugin has been eliminated. We have integrated the Webhooks functionality into Shopware Commercial. As a result, there is no longer a need for plugin installation. If you wish to enable the webhooks function for the Flow Builder, simply activate Shopware Commercial (if not done already).

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We extend our heartfelt thanks to all GitHub contributors for their pull requests that have been incorporated into this version. Your contributions are truly appreciated! 💙

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