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Best ecommerce websites: 5 mid-market companies with stunning websites

Best ecommerce websites: 5 mid-market companies with stunning websites

The best ecommerce websites create memorable shopping experiences for their customers. It’s as simple as that. 

We all know and shop ecommerce giants like Amazon and Walmart, or even big name brands like Nike and how easy and seamless it is to shop for what you’re looking for. But, how can smaller brands create the same experiences? With Shopware, as these 5 examples of SMBs with stunning websites show, it's possible.

It’s as simple as a well-designed and functional website that makes it easy for customers to shop for what they’re looking for. And don’t forget a quick and easy checkout process––the most meaningful spot for conversions that keep you in business. That means, you need more than just a pretty face. Keep customers coming back with a hassle-free shopping experience they can trust and rely on. 

To create the best ecommerce website, there are a few core things you need to execute well: 

User experience and the customer journey

One of the most critical aspects of a successful ecommerce site is user experience (UX). Every shopper wants an easy-to-use interface and a seamless shopping experience; you’ll never find a customer who hopes it will be a challenge to buy the product they’re looking for.

The best ecommerce sites will offer a quick and easy customer journey with clear calls-to-action, as well as a straightforward and secure check-out process. 


Personalization is another essential aspect that helps drive the best ecommerce sites. Customers want to feel like they’re understood, and they’re more likely to make a purchase if they feel that the site is tailored to their needs and preferences. 

Businesses can personalize their ecommerce site in a variety of ways:

  • Recommending products based on past purchases 

  • Offering personalized discounts or promotions

  • Providing personalized product recommendations based on browsing history

Design and ease of use

Design, ease of use, clarity, accessibility, and functionality are all common elements of a successful ecommerce site. These 5 different aspects work hand-in-hand to contribute to the UX and customer journey that we talked about earlier. 


  • Simple and clean layout: A clean and simple layout that is not overwhelming allows customers to focus on the products and information on the website. 

  • High-quality product images: High-quality product images are essential for an ecommerce website. They should be clear, well-lit, and show the product from multiple angles. 

Ease of use

  • Clear navigation: The top ecommerce websites have clear and labeled navigation menus that allow users to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. 

Accessibility, and functionality


  • Alternative text for images: All images on the website should have alternative text that audibly describes the images for those who can’t see them.

  • Keyboard navigation: Keyboard navigation enables users to navigate the site using the keyboard alone, without a mouse.

  • Audio and video transcripts: All audio or video content on the website should have transcripts that allow users with hearing impairments to access the content.


  • Mobile responsiveness: It’s crucial for an ecommerce website to be mobile-friendly and responsive across different devices. 

  • Search functionality: Filters and sorting options enable customers to quickly and easily find the products they are interested in.

  • Secure payment options: Providing secure payment options such as SSL encryption, and trusted payment gateways give customers confidence that their payment information is secure when making a purchase. 

Amazon as an example 

Amazon is a prime example of an ecommerce giant that provides a great shopping experience and keeps customers coming back in the long-term. They’re reliable, and have become a go-to destination for online shoppers worldwide thanks to their quick and seamless shopping experiences. More specifically, Amazon’s ecommerce experience utilizes:

  • Intuitive navigation

  • Personalized recommendations

  • User-friendly interface 

  • Mobile responsiveness 

  • Multiple secure payment options (Amazon Pay and credit/debit card payments)

  • Robust customer service and support team 

Amazon has created and quite frankly, perfected, a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience which has established it as one of the most successful ecommerce giants in the world.

Now, let’s talk about some of the smaller players that offer similar website functionalities and shopping experiences.

Top 5: the best mid market ecommerce sites 

  1. BVB Borussia Dortmund

  2. Fischer Sports



  5. YT Industries

BVB Borussia Dortmund

best ecommerce website BVB Website

Home of the official merchandise store of the German football giant and past Champions League winner Borussia Dortmund, the BVB shop is a prime example of a top ecommerce website in terms of design, functionality, and user experience. The page is available in multiple languages; this leads to a seamless UX for the large international following of the BVB. For the seasoned fan, as well as someone unfamiliar with BVB this site provides an immersive shopping experience including highly customizable and unique items such as replica jerseys.

Visit the BVB online shop

Fischer Sports

best ecommerce website FISCHER SPORTS

Fischer Sports has one of the best ecommerce sites on the market; they offer a highly functional website that’s been personalized to the needs of their customers (sports enthusiasts). The website has a great design and offers:

  • A clear and easy-to-navigate layout.

  • Well-organized homepage

  • Mobile optimized website 

Fischer’s product listings also contain product features, technical specifications, and reviews from customers, and the site offers a variety of helpful resources, including articles, videos, and a blog.

Visit the Fischer website


best ecommerce website STABILO

The STABILO website gives us an excellent example of a top ecommerce website. Some of the first takeaways when looking at this site are:

  • A clean and visually appealing design

  • Highlights their products and services

  • The navigation is straightforward and easy to use

STABILO provides clear calls-to-action, so the customer is not stuck wondering where to click next. The site also provides a full page with video, links, and FAQ’s discussing what STABILO is doing to initiate sustainability in their work.

Visit the STABILO website

... and read the STABILO case study to learn how the company increased its online visibility by 15% with a Shopware ecommerce platform.


best ecommerce website armedangels

ARMEDANGELS possess the most engaging content on our list and they make it clear right from the beginning. The homepage immediately demands attention by using high-quality and colorful images of their sustainable fashion products. This top ecommerce site offers features such as:

  • Search bar 

  • Filters 

  • Size guides

These features enable customers to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. 

This site is unique from the others on our list because they prioritize transparency and sustainability in a big way. ARMEDANGELS provides detailed information on the materials used in their products, the manufacturer, and the location where the product is being produced.

Visit the ARMEDANGELS website

In addition, this case study outlines how ARMEDANGELS increased their revenue by 10% with a better website.

YT Industries

best ecommerce website YT industries

YT Industries is another top ecommerce website that delivers stunning visuals when you land on the site's homepage. In addition to these visuals, the site site enables shoppers to easily browse by product category, and the search bar allows them to quickly find the specific items they’re looking for. A unique configurator lets customers create their dream bikes and see how it evolves in real-time. The site is also mobile responsive, so shoppers can have the same immersive experience on any device.

Check out YT Industry's website

In summary

The best ecommerce sites share similarities, as well as possess unique features that set their site apart from others.

At the end of the day, if we were to simplify everything we’ve discussed– the three main takeaways that every top ecommerce website has are:

  • A visually appealing design: Every site looks visually appealing. When a customer lands on any of these sites, they’re enticed to stay and look around because what they see draws them in and is memorable. 

  • Easy site navigation: The site should be accessible to all users and have essential features such as search bars, filters, and seamless checkout processes. With all 5 of these top ecommerce sites we’ve discussed, anyone could find what they’re looking for, solely because these sites are user-friendly and allow for a smooth customer journey. 

  • Personalization: Every site we discussed is catering to a specific buyer and the websites reflect this. Personalizing an ecommerce website to the customer will make them feel as if you understand their needs. 

The right ecommerce platform means the best ecommerce website 

Along with the right planning and people, you can’t achieve any of this without the right ecommerce platforms and tools to do so. 

If you’re wondering where to start, paint a picture of what you’d like your site to look like, and how you need it to function; using this information you can then shop the market and decide which platform is the best fit to help bring your intentions to fruition. This includes be able to deliver on the capabilities, features and functionalities you’re looking for. Just make sure the platform is able to meet the unique needs of your business, while being flexible enough to adapt to future changes. 

One similarity between these top ecommerce sites is they are all using Shopware’s ecommerce platform for their online business. Shopware is a leading open source ecommerce platform that caters to both B2C B2B needs. It allows you to personalize and streamline operations effortlessly, regardless of whether you deal with physical goods or digital products, all without the need for coding.

FAQ - Best ecommerce websites

What platform should I use to build my ecommerce website?

There are many different platforms available to build an ecommerce website, such as Shopware, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, and more. Consider your specific needs, budget, and level of technical expertise when choosing a platform.

What features should an ecommerce website have?

An ecommerce website should have features such as product listings, shopping carts, checkout process, payment gateway integrations, customer account management, order management, shipping and tax options, and more. Additional features such as social media integrations, SEO optimization, and mobile responsiveness can also be beneficial.

Can I customize my ecommerce website's design?

Yes, most ecommerce platforms offer customization options for design and layout. You can choose from pre-designed templates or customize the design yourself using a drag-and-drop editor or HTML/CSS coding.

How do I add products to my ecommerce website?

You can add products to your ecommerce website by creating product listings that include product descriptions, images, pricing, and other relevant details. Most ecommerce platforms have a product management system that allows you to add, edit, and delete products easily.

How do I manage orders and inventory on my ecommerce website?

Most ecommerce platforms have order and inventory management systems that allow you to track orders, manage inventory levels, and fulfill orders efficiently. You can also set up notifications and alerts for low inventory levels or new orders.

How do I integrate payment gateways with my ecommerce website?

Most ecommerce platforms have built-in integrations with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square. You can connect your preferred payment gateway through the platform's settings or using a plugin.

How do I optimize my ecommerce website for search engines?

To optimize your ecommerce website for search engines, you can use SEO best practices such as keyword research, meta tags, optimized product descriptions, and backlinking. Most ecommerce platforms also have built-in SEO tools and plugins to help with optimization.

How can I improve the user experience on my ecommerce website?

You can improve the user experience on your ecommerce website by optimizing website speed, simplifying navigation, providing high-quality product images, offering customer reviews and ratings, and providing excellent customer service.

How do I ensure the security of my ecommerce website and customer data?

To ensure the security of your ecommerce website and customer data, you can use SSL encryption, secure payment gateways, and a strong password policy. It's also important to regularly update software and plugins, and monitor for potential security vulnerabilities.

What is the best B2B ecommerce platform?

The best B2B ecommerce platform meets your unique business requirements. Shopware is excellent for SMBs and mid-market-sized businesses. Shopify is ideal for small businesses with few products.