Rethinking B2B

Customized solutions for individual needs

As a B2B merchant, you understand the importance of streamlining your business operations and delivering exceptional service to your customers. That's why Shopware offers a powerful ecommerce solution that's specifically designed to help B2B companies achieve their business goals. With our advanced API-first technology and powerful features, you have everything you need to create a B2B platform tailored to your individual requirements.

Een centraal API-pictogram verbonden met pictogrammen voor e-commerce, logistiek, betaling, detailhandel, klantenservice en gegevensbeheer, allemaal verbonden door stippellijnen. Een aanwijzende vingercursor klikt op het centrale API-pictogram.
Cover of the Shopware report titled “Mastering B2B Complexity.” Subtitle: “Exclusive insights from industry experts on solving challenging eCommerce scenarios.” Dark blue design featuring a stylized upward-trending line graph.

B2B Trend Report

Want to stay ahead of the game in B2B commerce? We've got you covered. Our free report will show you how to stay competitive and keep up with the latest trends.

Cover van het rapport "Paradigm B2B Combine" 5th edition getiteld "Midmarket edition - 2023 Digital Commerce Solutions for B2B" van Andy Hoar. De cover heeft een kleurrijk sterrendesign dat verschillende zakelijke aspecten benadrukt.

Paradigm B2B Combine Report

Discover Shopware’s winning categories in the Paradigm B2B Combine Analyst Report (mid-market edition) and find out how we compare to other ecommerce solutions.

We know the challenges of B2B commerce

As personnel costs continue to rise, traditional 1:1 sales are becoming increasingly expensive, it is crucial to optimize sales processes and effectively utilize sales employees. With our experience and excellent features, we help you to master these challenges.

Are any of these challenges familiar to you?

Let's work together to address the challenges you're facing in B2B commerce.Get in touch

Why B2B professionalization with Shopware pays off

Shopware's extensive and customizable B2B features empower you to accelerate and optimize your company's digital transformation while prioritizing your unique business needs. This includes streamlining and automating processes as well as seamlessly integrating with your existing system landscape.

Pictogram van een checklist waarbij het eerste punt is aangevinkt.

Rights- and role management

Pictogram van een rekenmachine met een lijst en een dollarteken ervoor.

Request for cost estimates

Pictogram van een mobiele telefoon, daarnaast een tekstballon met een winkelwagentje en daaronder een boodschappentas.

Customized product catalogue

Pictogram van een gebruikersinterface met een persoon, een shirt en een broek. Een handcursor wijst naar het scherm om selectie- of aanpassingsopties aan te geven.

Digital sales rooms

Icoon van een groep mensen en een prijskaartje boven hun hoofd.

Customer-specific pricing

Pictogram van een hand die op een knop drukt, met een tekstballon erboven en taalsymbolen ("A" en een Chinees karakter) eronder.

Support for multilingualism and international standards

Pictogram van een controlelijst met twee aangevinkte cirkels en twee tekstvakken, verbonden met een lijn.

Automated workflows

Pictogram van twee in elkaar grijpende tandwielen

Seamless integration of your existing ERP, CRM, PIM or BI etc.

We’re here for you


Maximize your B2B success with the right tools

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, the right tools can make all the difference in achieving success. At Shopware, we understand the complex business operations that exist in today's marketplace and have developed a suite of powerful tools to help you improve your processes and reinforce strong customer relationships.

Een vrouw glimlacht en kijkt opzij. Naast haar staan pictogrammen voor bewerken, goedkeuren, afwijzen en verwijderen, met een handcursor die naar het goedkeuringspictogram wijst. Daaronder toont een lijngrafiek de gegevens voor "Bestellingen" en "Bedrag", die een opwaartse trend aangeven.

B2B Components

The Shopware B2B Components has been diligently developed to automate and facilitate the complex business operations that are prevalent in today’s B2B sector. It is the administrative backbone of your business, designed in close cooperation with our expert partner network and experienced customers. The powerful B2B framework enables smooth business interactions.

  • Allocate roles, permissions, limits, and budgets to their employees

  • Effortlessly place orders via file upload

  • View, approve, or decline pending orders made by employees

Een persoon bekijkt schoenen op een tablet, met links productafbeeldingen en rechts een videogesprek. De vinger van de persoon wijst naar een optie op het scherm.

Digital Sales Rooms

Digital Sales Rooms is the state-of-the-art new feature that seamlessly integrates into your Shopware system landscape and cooperates with your existing ecommerce infrastructure. Arrange personalized live product consultations for your customers right within your Shopware store. Digitize your sales pitches and enjoy the following benefits:

  • No fees for third-party payment providers.

  • No transaction processing fees.

  • Pricing strategy tailored to support business growth.


Managing product inventory across multiple locations can be challenging. With the Multi-inventory functionality, Shopware ensures that customers can purchase products regardless of their location, as long as they are available in one of your inventory locations.

Flow Builder

Establish highly customized business processes and automate them so that they react to a range of triggers. Simplify even the most complex workflows and achieve more in less time.

Rule Builder

Your central control unit in the Shopware admin. Implement a wide range of business processes quickly and simply, and create a tailored customer journey with just a few clicks. Specify, for example, which shipping costs, prices, and payment methods should be shown when.


Boost your sales by letting your customers automate deliveries of their favorite products. Assured revenue for you, less stress for your customers.

Returns management

In many sectors, returns make up a major part of the workload. Offer your customers a self-service portal where they can intuitively manage their returns in their own customer accounts.

The power of the Shopware tech stack

Make full use of Shopware: Our API-first strategy simplifies the process of integrating third-party functionalities, systems, and shopping channels. This way, you can streamline your operations, from inventory management to aftersales, and achieve fully automated workflows. Achieve higher productivity and thus better profitability in the long run by successfully implementing an individually tailored best-of-breed strategy.

Een vrouw gebruikt een tablet. Om haar heen staan afbeeldingen van Stabilo Boss markeerstiften in verschillende kleuren, een close-up van een blauwe markeerstiftpunt en een notitie die aangeeft dat Stabilo meer dan 15% meer zichtbaarheid heeft op SISTRIX.

B2B and D2C in one place

Are you looking to streamline your sales channels? With Shopware, you can easily integrate both B2B and D2C commerce onto a single platform. By unifying your sales channels, you not only stand out from your competitors, but you can also unlock your full potential. With a centralized system, you can manage orders, inventory, and customer data more efficiently, saving you time and resources. Learn how Stabilo implemented its D2C business with Shopware in our case study.

B2B Trend Report 2025

Trends, predictions, and key drivers for success in B2B commerce 2025 and beyond

Are you ready to stay ahead of the curve in B2B commerce? Our trend report is finally here, packed with insights and predictions on emerging technologies and evolving consumer behavior. This report is a must-read for any business looking to thrive in the years to come. Download your free trend report today and gain a competitive edge in B2B commerce.