How to turn the biggest blind spot of your ecommerce business into your advantage?

How to turn the biggest blind spot of your ecommerce business into your advantage?

In today's competitive ecommerce landscape, it's more important than ever to provide your customers with an exceptional shopping experience. This includes not only a smooth checkout process but also a consistently positive after-sales experience. However, this is still the biggest blind spot for most online retailers, as they only manage their store up to the checkout. This is a serious mistake, because:

  • 90% of customers value order tracking.

  • 40% of customer reviews are related to the delivery process.

  • 72% of customer service inquiries are WISMO (Where Is My Order) questions.

  • 80% of profits come from the top 20% of customers.

PAQATO not only makes this blind spot visible but also usable. The PAQATO After Sales Experience Platform is the growth driver that makes online stores successful today for tomorrow. With PAQATO, online retailers offer their customers an outstanding shopping experience after purchase and ensure maximum satisfaction. Personalized shipping notifications and a tracking page in their own store turn customers into loyal fans. Through proactive multi-channel communication, online stores use cross-selling potential on the way to shipping and collect strong customer reviews. At the same time, online retailers with smart shipping controlling maintain a complete overview of their shipping processes and reduce their service costs with transparent data.

PAQATO is the perfect solution for online stores that want to

  • build stronger customer loyalty.

  • significantly reduce their return rate.

  • sustainably improve their customer satisfaction.

  • optimize their after-sales processes effectively.

Data analysis, package tracking, shipping communication, and returns processing in one software

Your after-sales optimization starts in the PAQATO Web App with your dashboard and dedicated features for data analysis, package tracking, shipping communication, and returns processing.

quote Madleen PAQATO

Data analysis with QONTROL: With QONTROL, you finally have a complete overview of the performance of your shipping service providers. A central dashboard provides you with detailed analyses of delivery times, delivery rates, delays, and problems for all your shipments. Check, compare, and optimize your shipping processes based on data. QONTROL helps you to act quickly and purposefully in the event of problems to ensure your customer satisfaction. With QONTROL's comprehensive data evaluation, keep control of the last mile and be well-prepared for negotiations with your logistics partners.

Package tracking with TRAQ: TRAQ is your opportunity to integrate your own tracking page into your online store. With TRAQ, you and your customers are no longer reliant on the tracking pages of your shipping service providers. Instead, you direct customers directly back to your store on the way to shipping, where they can find all information about the delivery status. In addition, your Track & Trace page can be turned into a sales and growth driver for your store in no time with placed product recommendations and special offers.

Shipping communication with SPEAQ: SPEAQ is your solution for personalized and automated shipping notifications after purchase. Whether by email, SMS, or push notification - with SPEAQ, your customers proactively receive detailed information about various shipping events that ensure a smooth shopping experience and make inquiries unnecessary. Send status updates in the design and wording of your brand and use the additional contact points to your customers for supplementary product recommendations and review requests. Create strong customer satisfaction with SPEAQ, increase your cross-selling, and measurably reduce the workload of your support team.

Returns processing with RETURN: RETURN is your digitized returns portal that ensures fully automated and smooth returns processing for you and your customers. Write your own rules and conditions for return periods, return reasons, types of return shipping, cart values, and country-specific features and store them in the returns portal. Your customers create returns directly digitally via your returns portal. RETURN creates an uncomplicated returns experience for your customers and at the same time reduces the service workload for your team. Detailed evaluations of return reasons and returned items help you to sustainably reduce your return rate.

How PAQATO can directly improve your business success

  1. Implement PAQATO in your online store: This is quick and easy and requires no technical knowledge.

  2. Personalize your shipping notifications: Inform your customers about the status of their order, the expected delivery date, and the possibility of tracking the shipment.

  3. Offer a detailed tracking page in your shop: This allows customers to track the status of their order at any time and from any device, and on a Track & Trace landing page designed by you.

  4. Communicate proactively with your customers: Inform your customers about delivery delays, offer assistance with delivery problems, and process returns faster and more efficiently.

  5. Analyze your data: PAQATO provides you with valuable data about your entire after-sales processes, with which you can optimize workflows and further improve customer satisfaction.

All the advantages of PAQATO at a glance

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction:

    Through personalized communication and transparency in the after-sales process, you increase customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat purchases.

  • Reduced returns:

    With detailed tracking information and proactive communication, you can effectively reduce delivery problems and returns.

  • Increased efficiency:

    PAQATO automates many tasks in the after-sales process and provides you with valuable data with which you can optimize your processes.

  • Stronger customer loyalty:

    Through a positive after-sales experience, you build stronger customer loyalty and promote long-term customer relationships.

Michael Lüken PAQATO

Transform your customers' after-sales experience with PAQATO and continue to grow efficiently

PAQATO is a powerful after-sales experience platform that helps online stores offer their customers an exceptional shopping experience. By personalizing your communication, ensuring transparency in the after-sales process, and optimizing post-purchase processes, you can improve customer satisfaction, reduce the return rate, and strengthen customer loyalty. With PAQATO, you are well-equipped to succeed in today's competitive ecommerce landscape and continue to grow efficiently.