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The future of Shopware PWA

The future of Shopware PWA

With Shopware PWA we want to enable developers to build ecommerce websites with a clear division between client and server, allowing merchants to obtain a higher level of flexibility and scalability in custom ecommerce projects. Find more details here.

Shopware goes Symfony Flex

Shopware goes Symfony Flex

Today we want to announce the release of our new Shopware Symfony Flex Composer template. You may ask now what is Symfony Flex and what it is good for. Get all the answers in this blog post.

Feature focus: Rule Builder | preview

Feature focus: Rule Builder | preview

In the feature focus series, we turn the spotlight on Shopware features. Today's star: The Rule Builder | preview. What are the benefits of this feature, what are the technical requirements, and what are the classic examples of use? All the answers ...