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PayPal updated fees

PayPal updated fees

With the recent launch of PayPal Checkout, PayPal's product offerings and services continue to grow. To accommodate these expanded possibilities, PayPal has adjusted the standard fees for merchants. The update of the fees will take effect in August ...

Shopware Community Day 2022 – the recap

Shopware Community Day 2022 – the recap

With a record number of over 6,000 participants, the Shopware Community Day 2022, which took place this year as a completely hybrid event for the first time, was a great success. In this blog post, we have summarized all the highlights of this year's SCD.

B2B Ecommerce Conference 2022 in Denmark

B2B Ecommerce Conference 2022 in Denmark

If your company is thinking of developing or optimizing your B2B sales, this conference might be perfect for you. Find out in the blog post where and when the conference will take place and what exactly the main topics will be.

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