As part of our Feature Focus series, today we are introducing you to our high-performance “customer-specific pricing” feature, which has been eagerly anticipated by the community. We released it with Shopware for all Beyond plans. Read our blog to find out how the feature can help you boost your business, relieve pressure on your team, and drive your sales.
Why was this feature developed?
Relieve the pressure on your team by using customized prices to perform at the highest level, even with huge product ranges and millions of price combinations for products and customers.
With individually calculated prices for each customer, you can drive sales to new highs. This feature is especially useful in the B2B environment; however, it is also available even without the use of our B2B Suite. For example, you can use the feature to react quickly to currency-based prices, create individual offer prices for regular customers, or even create graduated and strikethrough prices.
Although you could also create individual prices with the Rule Builder and advanced pricing, this would be far more time-consuming and complex with large data sets.
What are the benefits?
Individual prices for better customer retention and more transactions
Highlights the offer price
High-speed synchronization via API-first
Also available without the B2B Suite
Individual scenarios can be mapped
How to use the feature
Because many merchants manage their prices via a third-party system, we are currently offering the feature via an API connection.
To create, modify, or delete customer-specific prices, you use the API endpoint: /api/_action/product-customer-price. This body should already be familiar to you from other sync requests. Now all you need to do is enter the following information:
productId: The product whose price you want to overwrite.
customerId: The customer to whom you’d like to offer an individual price
price: The new offer price.

If you want to delete an individual price again, you can use the smaller data set for this and only fill in the productIDs of the products whose prices you want to delete.

Then send this request to Shopware via the API. After your customer has logged in, they will see their individual prices along their customer journey. Offer prices can also be attractively highlighted to draw customers’ attention. For example, list prices can be set across the board in order to then highlight the percentage savings based on an individual price.

Get all the new features for your plan with Shopware Commercial
Customer-specific pricing is our first feature for our new plans. To get straightforward, automatic access to this and other new features in the future, you will need to activate Shopware Commercial. It’s easy:
Log into your admin account
Go to “Extensions”
Go to “My Extensions”
Activate Shopware Commercial
This will also enable you to receive updates automatically – you will not have to manually carry out separate updates.
What additional highlights are we working on for the feature?
While you can already start using this new feature, we are working on expanding it further for you. In the future, we want to enable the mapping of specific prices for entire customer groups.
Because many merchants manage their prices via a third-party system, we are currently offering the feature via API-first. If our customers want a price overview in the Shopware administration interface, we will also implement this.
In addition, we are working on the option of using specific prices for the parameters of time and location in the future.
Thank you to our community
The feedback of every single store owner is important in enabling us to continually improve our software and, of course, to develop new features. We would especially like to thank all GitHub contributors for their valuable input on customer-specific prices.