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Shopware Partner Success Story: basecom and Shopware PaaS

Shopware Partner Success Story: basecom and Shopware PaaS

Did you know the global PaaS market is on a rapid ascent, expected to soar from $44 billion in 2020 to over $319 billion by 2030, boasting an annual growth rate of about 23%? [1] But what exactly is behind this technology surge? In this blog article, you will get exclusive insights into the project implementation of our Platinum Partner basecom. Learn how the agency used Shopware PaaS to identify the challenges of merchants and help them build high-growth and scalable ecommerce solutions. 


  1. Challenge 

  2. About basecom 

  3. Solution 

  4. Result and successful case 

  5. Conclusion and outlook

🎯 The Challenge

The industry and the market are changing dynamically, and online merchants have to react to new requirements or technologies off the cuff. In order to achieve stable growth under these market conditions, your own system must be flexible and scalable. Those who lag behind or cannot react immediately to changes lose customers to the competition. The basecom agency also recognized this challenge among its customers.

"Traditional hosting solutions often reached their limits, which limited adaptability and growth."

– Jordan Kniest, Head of Development Shopware at basecom.

Recognizing the need, basecom sought a solution that promises both flexibility and scalability to foster rapid business growth. 

🌐 About basecom

basecom, a leading software company specializing in digital solutions, has established itself as a pioneer in digital transformation through the use of Shopware PaaS. More than 190 experts at six locations in Germany and the USA support customers in the planning, implementation and support of software projects in the areas of ecommerce, PIM systems and digital experience. In addition, basecom is platform.sh a Diamond Partner, Akeneo Solution Partner, Pimcore Strategic Partner and Symfony specialist, thus offering extensive expertise in the implementation of complex PaaS solutions with Shopware. 

🛠️ The Solution - Shopware PaaS

For basecom, it quickly became clear that Shopware PaaS offers the perfect solution as a flexible and scalable ecommerce platform.

What is Shopware PaaS? 

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model. In doing so, the provider offers the company a platform in which developers can easily develop and test software adaptations without worrying about the underlying infrastructure such as servers, storage and networks. Imagine you want to build a house and you are not only provided with the land, but also with all the necessary tools and materials. PaaS offers a similar all-in-one solution for software development. This makes it particularly suitable for those who want to actively develop and react quickly to market changes, but at the same time want to keep the effort involved in managing servers and infrastructures low. Shopware PaaS offers a flexible and scalable cloud solution that is specifically designed to meet the technical and operational needs of modern online merchants. With Shopware PaaS, development times are significantly shortened and at the same time the total cost of ownership is reduced. Developers benefit from full access to core components and customer data, enabling rapid adaptation to new customer requirements and accelerating innovation cycles. 


The following advantages of Shopware PaaS were particularly decisive: 

  • Rapid deployment of the system 

  • Low maintenance 

  • Staging, testing, or preview environments 

  • Fast upscaling and downscaling 

PaaS combines the best of both worlds: complete control with flexibility and scalability at the same time. 

🏆 Result

Choosing Shopware PaaS was a resounding success for basecom. The platform enhanced both scalability and client satisfaction significantly. It reduced the DevOps effort and allowed the implementation of a seamless and scalable solution. 

A look behind the scenes: success story


A successful example of a PaaS solution with Shopware is the german online store of Pflanzen-Kölle. The family business employs around 1,600 people and operates 13 garden centers across Germany. Customers of Pflanzen-Kölle also have the opportunity to conveniently order more than 12,000 products online. basecom has taken over the management of the store based on Shopware 6 Enterprise 2023 and has been continuously developing it ever since. By moving the hosting to the PaaS environment of platform.sh, Pflanzen-Kölle benefits from the reduced DevOps effort and faster development. PaaS hosting also ensures seamless scaling and outstanding performance and availability of the store, while at the same time providing Pflanzen-Kölle with the full flexibility of Shopware.



🚀 Conclusion and outlook 

The successful case of Pflanzen-Kölle shows in concrete terms how PaaS solutions meet the individual requirements of companies and thus lay the foundation for sustainable growth and increased customer satisfaction. 

"This creates a PaaS ecosystem around Shopware that offers online merchants the opportunity to operate market-leading solutions in a high-performance and flexibly scalable PaaS environment."

– Jonas Dambacher, Director Business Unit Shopware, basecom.

basecom also sees itself well equipped for the future with Shopware PaaS. The agency plans to further expand the use of PaaS solutions and sees it as a future technology that bridges the gap between self-hosting and pure SaaS offerings.  


[1] https://www.statista.com/outlook/tmo/public-cloud/platform-as-a-service/worldwide?currency=EUR 


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