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The Shopware Community Hackathon

The Shopware Community Hackathon

In the two days leading up to the Shopware Community Day 2024, our awesome community again organized a Hackathon.  

We at Shopware want to thank everyone involved for their work and dedication.  

Multiple developers from Shopware also had the privilege of participating in this hackathon, and it was an invaluable experience. As always, engaging directly with the community allows us to dive into deeper product discussions and gather crucial insights. 

During the two days, several exciting projects were worked on. Here is a quick overview. Please keep in mind that these projects are in various stages of development. Projects tend to get kicked off during hackathons; completing them is the exception. 

Oh Dear monitoring integration 

Oh Dear is a website monitoring tool. This project started as an integration of this service into Shopware. Currently, it is missing a Readme file. You can find it on GitHub. 

Typesense integration 

Another integration is about integrating Typesense, an open source search engine. The project is in its early stages and aims to replace the out-of-the-box Shopware search engine. You can find the project on GitHub

Multi-tenant serverless app registration service 

The idea behind this yet unfinished project is to make apps stateless. It provides a central service for secret and shop management, making app development easier. You can also find this project on GitHub. 

Customer impersonation feature 

This feature is the continuation of another pull request from 2023, which integrates a “login as customer” feature to Shopware for administrators. This is useful if you want to act on behalf of your customers. The pull request containing this change is #3713, and the corresponding (and meme-containing) ticket is NEXT-8593

Payment Handler improvements 

This is a good example of how things work at hackathons sometimes: People discuss something, and “since we’re here anyway,” it’s directly implemented. In this case, that happened in PR #3708

Media Link chooser 

Simplification is often a good thing. In PR #2685, the way media files, specifically PDFs, are added to CMS pages is simplified, and as soon as the review is finished, everyone can benefit from it. 

Easier creation of DAL definitions over attributes 

Lastly, PR #3688 also makes things easier and is already merged, as it was an already existing PoC. It makes entity definitions obsolete, simplifying the development process.

BBQ at the Shopware Community Hackathon

The hackathon ended with a super lovely BBQ. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Firegento e.V. for making this whole event happen and providing such a fantastic end to the event. 

A big thank you

Thank you once again to everyone in the Shopware community. Your collaboration and passion continue to drive us all forward. We hope to experience more events like this in the future. It was awesome.